Maria Isabel Rodriguez, MD
Maria Isabel Rodriguez, MD, is an Obstetrician/Gynecologist and a clinical fellow in Family Planning at the University of California, San Francisco. She likes working with women of all ages and believes that reproductive health is critical to not just the health of women, but making healthy families and happy communities. She surfs badly, but likes it anyways. Dr. Rodriguez is a faculty member at UCSF. However, the views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Regents of the University of California, UCSF, UCSF Medical Center, or any entities or units thereof.
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articles by “Maria Isabel Rodriguez, MD”

Permanent birth control: So many ways to tie a tube
Done having kids, or 100% sure you don't want any? Might want to look into sterilization.

Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs)
Breastfeeding: good for baby—and for mom’s birth control
Effective birth control isn’t always a product made by a pharmaceutical company…

5 myths about the IUD, busted
U.S. women are catching on to the awesomeness of IUDs—but sometimes old myths die hard.

Birth control
Which medications can mess with birth control?
Certain meds do interfere with birth control—not most antibiotics, though.

Pregnancy & fertility
Getting pregnant: Yes you can!
Just because you haven't gotten pregnant yet does not mean you don't need birth control.

Emergency contraception
5 myths about the emergency contraceptive pill, busted
When it comes to post-sex pregnancy prevention, don't believe the rumors.

Birth control
Is it really okay to skip periods?
What's up with methods that let you skip your period?

Birth control pill
Can the pill make you choose the wrong guy?
If only finding Mr. Right were as simple as sniffing a t-shirt...

Birth control pill
Pill perfection: Choosing the right pill for you
Let us demystify all the latest pill options so you can find one that fits.

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