Activism & politics
Say it loud, say it proud.

Activism & politics
Concerned about reproductive rights in 2025? Here’s what you can do

Activism & politics
5 reasons why birth control should be over the counter
Let's free the pill, finally!
FAQs - Activism & politics
I heard that hormone-filled pee is killing our fish and harming the environment. Is taking hormonal birth control bad for our water?
I heard that taking hormonal birth control is bad for the environment because of hormone-filled pee getting in the water.

Activism & politics
4 things you can do for Texas right now
The most restrictive abortion law in the country has taken effect, and Texans need our help

Activism & politics
Here’s what we need to do to protect birth control coverage
Take action to ensure affordable birth control is available to everyone who needs it

Activism & politics
5 things you can do today to celebrate Juneteenth
Because it should be a national holiday

Activism & politics
Black Lives Matter: Here's how white people can show they really mean it

Activism & politics
Millions need birth control—take action now!
Tell your Governor and legislators you support expanding Medicaid in your state.
Activism & politics
How the Title X gag rule will affect you if you’re pregnant and don’t want to be
And how it might also affect you if you’re not pregnant

Activism & politics
How to transform yourself into a boss bitch in only one day

Activism & politics
Defend birth control access: Here’s how
From scripts to videos, we've got the tools you'll need to help protect affordable birth control for all.

Activism & politics
Save birth control access for millions of Americans!
Think everyone should be able to plan their family regardless of their income? Tell Congress now.

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
view birth control options
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