Displaying 13-24 of 29 articles tagged “tnc”
Periods & vaginal health
A quick guide to skipping periods with birth control
If you use the pill or the ring, you don't need magic powers to control your menstrual cycle.
Birth control
All about hormones!
We love them, we hate them, we blame them for all sorts of things. But what do they really do?
Emergency contraception
5 myths about the emergency contraceptive pill, busted
When it comes to post-sex pregnancy prevention, don't believe the rumors.
Which IUD is best for you?
There are a bunch of IUDs on the U.S. market, and they’re not one-size-fits all. Let us help you explore your options.
Birth control
Can birth control make my acne better?
Whether you deal with acne all month or just around your period, birth control may be able to help.
Health care
The best and worst of health care: 5 things to keep in mind
We asked our Bedsider U community to share their good, bad, and ugly health care stories. Here’s what we learned.
Birth control
Does hormonal birth control cause depression?
A new study found a link between hormonal birth control methods and depression. Here's why interpreting this research is effing complicated.
Self-love & body positivity
I have epilepsy. Am I loveable? Can I have sex? Be a good parent?
Having epilepsy won’t keep you from finding fulfillment in love, sex, and family. But I get why you ask.
Dating & hookups
Safe travels : Birth control when you’re abroad
Whether you're traveling with your partner or putting a pin in the map for each international fling, don’t forget the birth control.
Birth control pill
Late, late, for a very important pill?
Forgot to take your pill on time? Stay calm and read on...
Birth control
Combined hormonal versus progestin-only birth control
Hormonal birth control methods are kinda like two happy families.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
4 STI myths that get in the way of a healthy sex life
Think you know everything you need to know about STIs? You might be surprised.
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Not sure what birth control is right for you?

Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.

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