If you’re having an abortion procedure, you may have the option to have sedation during your procedure. One way to do this is for your abortion provider to give you anti-anxiety medication that you take by mouth before the procedure to relax you. You will be awake but should be more relaxed than usual. If you have what’s called “conscious sedation”, you’ll be awake but extremely relaxed, and the procedure should be virtually pain-free. If you have general anesthesia, which is a type of IV sedation that puts you to sleep completely, you won’t feel or experience anything during the procedure—you’ll simply wake up and it will be over. Sedation generally costs extra.
- Abortion
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Can I be sedated if I’m getting an abortion procedure?
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What happens during an abortion procedure?
If your pregnancy is more than 16 weeks along, you may need an extra step to dilate your cervix more before the procedure to make it easier to complete the abortion. You’ll either take a medication to dilate your cervix, or a health care provider will insert a special dilator called laminaria into your cervix. The laminaria will slowly expand and open your cervix gradually. This kind of abortion is called a D&E—dilation and evacuation. The dilators—whether it’s medication or laminaria—may take a few hours or overnight to work. After your cervix is properly dilated, the abortion provider will use suction and some tools to gently empty your uterus.
During the abortion, you’ll be undressed from the waist down with a sheet over your lap. If you prefer, you can wear a long, flowy skirt or dress, and then you can just remove your underwear and pull the skirt up. (Just keep in mind that if you wear a jumpsuit or romper, you will have to take the whole thing off.) You’ll lie back on an exam table with your feet in stirrups—just like when you go to a gynecologist or other provider to get a Pap smear or a swab for a yeast infection. The health care provider will use a speculum to separate the walls of your vagina in order to get a good view of the cervix, and they will then inject numbing medication into your cervix. For abortions early in pregnancy, the provider will then dilate (open) your cervix. Soon after, the abortion provider will use a gentle suction to empty your uterus. The procedure itself typically takes only a few minutes to complete.
If your pregnancy is more than 16 weeks along, you may need an extra step to dilate your cervix more before the procedure to make it easier to complete the abortion. You’ll either take a medication to dilate your cervix, or a health care provider will insert a special dilator called laminaria into your cervix. The laminaria will slowly expand and open your cervix gradually. This kind of abortion is called a D&E—dilation and evacuation. The dilators—whether it’s medication or laminaria—may take a few hours or overnight to work. After your cervix is properly dilated, the abortion provider will use suction and some tools to gently empty your uterus.
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What can you expect after an abortion?
If you’ve been given sedatives, you’ll need someone to help you get home, like a partner, friend, or family member, even if you’re taking public transportation or taking a cab or ride service.
If you have an abortion procedure, you may have some cramping and bleeding in the days after your abortion, but it should taper off over the next week or so. Some people have almost no bleeding, and others have spotting that lasts a few weeks. It varies from person to person, but generally the earlier in pregnancy you have the abortion, the less cramping and bleeding you can expect afterwards. You can go back to regular activities the very next day, and you can have sex again as soon as you feel ready.
If you choose the abortion pill, once you’ve passed the pregnancy tissue, bleeding should decrease over a few days. Just like with the abortion procedure, you can go back to work, school, taking care of your kids, or your other normal activities the next day and you can have sex again as soon as you feel ready.
Some health care providers will recommend a follow-up appointment a few weeks after your medication abortion to make sure the pregnancy is over.
Some health care providers prescribe preventive antibiotics for all people having an abortion.
You should get your period 4 to 6 weeks after you have an abortion. But you can get pregnant again before then if you aren’t using birth control and you’re having penis-in-vagina sex.
If you’d like, here’s how to start on birth control after your abortion. If it’s been 8 weeks or more since your abortion, and you haven’t had a period, contact a health care provider
After an abortion procedure, you’ll spend a little time in a recovery room before heading home.
If you’ve been given sedatives, you’ll need someone to help you get home, like a partner, friend, or family member, even if you’re taking public transportation or taking a cab or ride service.
If you have an abortion procedure, you may have some cramping and bleeding in the days after your abortion, but it should taper off over the next week or so. Some people have almost no bleeding, and others have spotting that lasts a few weeks. It varies from person to person, but generally the earlier in pregnancy you have the abortion, the less cramping and bleeding you can expect afterwards. You can go back to regular activities the very next day, and you can have sex again as soon as you feel ready.
If you choose the abortion pill, once you’ve passed the pregnancy tissue, bleeding should decrease over a few days. Just like with the abortion procedure, you can go back to work, school, taking care of your kids, or your other normal activities the next day and you can have sex again as soon as you feel ready.
Some health care providers will recommend a follow-up appointment a few weeks after your medication abortion to make sure the pregnancy is over.
Some health care providers prescribe preventive antibiotics for all people having an abortion.
You should get your period 4 to 6 weeks after you have an abortion. But you can get pregnant again before then if you aren’t using birth control and you’re having penis-in-vagina sex.
If you’d like, here’s how to start on birth control after your abortion. If it’s been 8 weeks or more since your abortion, and you haven’t had a period, contact a health care provider
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When should you contact a health care provider after an abortion?
Generally though, contact your abortion provider (or your regular health care provider) after an abortion procedure if you experience:
- Excessive bleeding (defined as soaking two pads per hour for two hours)
- Fever higher than 100.4
- Pain that is getting worse or that doesn’t go away with over-the-counter painkillers
- No bleeding yet and it’s been 24 hours since you took misoprostol, the second medication (the one you take at home)
- Excessive bleeding (defined as soaking two pads per hour for two hours; keep in mind that bleeding may be heavy and you may pass blood clots though)
- Fever higher than 100.4
- Chills
- Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea that continues for more than 24 hours after taking the misoprostol, the second medication, which you take at home (keep in mind that nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are considered normal side effects and are not a cause for concern in the first 24 hours after taking misoprostol)
- Pain that is getting worse or that doesn’t go away with over-the-counter painkillers
Your abortion provider should give you information about when and how to contact them after an abortion, but if they don’t, ask them for emergency contact information and for what things to watch out for.
Generally though, contact your abortion provider (or your regular health care provider) after an abortion procedure if you experience:
- Excessive bleeding (defined as soaking two pads per hour for two hours)
- Fever higher than 100.4
- Pain that is getting worse or that doesn’t go away with over-the-counter painkillers
And contact your abortion provider during/after a medication abortion if you experience:
- No bleeding yet and it’s been 24 hours since you took misoprostol, the second medication (the one you take at home)
- Excessive bleeding (defined as soaking two pads per hour for two hours; keep in mind that bleeding may be heavy and you may pass blood clots though)
- Fever higher than 100.4
- Chills
- Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea that continues for more than 24 hours after taking the misoprostol, the second medication, which you take at home (keep in mind that nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are considered normal side effects and are not a cause for concern in the first 24 hours after taking misoprostol)
- Pain that is getting worse or that doesn’t go away with over-the-counter painkillers
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What does “viability” mean?
If you’re living in a state with an abortion ban, you’re probably wondering what viability means. Fetal viability is the point at which the fetus is likely to be able to live outside the uterus (with medical support). It usually occurs between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy.
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More Information
The abortion pill: What to expect
You can do it at home, and you can do it on your own time. Here’s how it works.
The abortion procedure: What to expect
It’s quick, and it’s effective. Here’s how it works.
All about abortion
Abortion means ending a pregnancy. There are two main abortion options: an abortion procedure (also called in-clinic abortion) and the abortion pill (also called medication abortion).