Quickie guide: Birth control side effects

Helping you make an informed decision about your method

Birth control is brilliant. Obviously. But just like there are different levels of effectiveness depending on the method, there are also different kinds of potential side effects. Some good (as in, “Yay! My acne cleared up!”). And some not so good (as in, “Boo! I’m having more period cramps than usual.”)

The thing to remember is not everyone experiences side effects. That’s why it’s so important to do your research, talk to a health care provider or pharmacist, and find the best method for your unique body. Even if that means trying a few different ones until you fall in love with your birth control.

Good things that can happen with different kinds of birth control:

  • Less acne
  • Cancer prevention
  • Less cramping
  • Lack of bleeding
  • Lighter periods

Annoying things that can happen with different kinds of birth control:

  • Depression
  • Decreased interest in sex
  • Cramping
  • Weight gain
  • Lack of bleeding
  • Irregular bleeding/spotting
  • Heavy bleeding

To see all the side effects associated with each specific kind of birth control, click on any of the methods below. Bedsider features a Side Effects tab for every single one:

We also have a great article on birth control labels and all that fine print that sometimes scares the crap out of us. (You know we like clearing stuff up. It’s kind of our thing.) It’s good to read up on this stuff, especially if you’re thinking of upgrading to new, more effective method.

Have a great weekend,

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