Summer makeup hacks for when your hot girl summer is a little too hot

How to keep your makeup from sliding off your face even if you're sliding out of your chair

It’s definitely still summer, despite what all the back to school ads would have us believe. Do you know how we know it’s still summer? Because we have to wring out our underwear after walking to the corner and our eyebrows are literally melting. We can’t solve the problem of profuse sweating (thanks for keeping us cool, I guess, autonomic nervous system???), but we can solve the eyebrows thing.

But first, just to be sure we’ve made our point that it’s really, really hot, here are five times your face is going to end up on your sleeve or on the floor in August:

  1. At every godforsaken barbecue
  2. While running errands (0/10 would not recommend)
  3. While cooking (life hack—exclusively eat ice cream until November)
  4. While taking a heat-induced nap aka fainting
  5. During sex, which is still worth it but barely

Now for the good news. Makeup artist Valerie Hammer has some hacks for summer that she put together just for us. Check out the tutorial below (feat. model Cashaéy Serenity).

Or, ya know, just don’t wear makeup.


P.S. It’s not all about the makeup. Check out what BC can do for your skin. #ThxBirthControl

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