March 2020 horoscopes: It's time to get to work

After February’s dreamy, warm focus on love, March may feel like a bit of a rude awakening. Unfortunately, this month, it’s time to buckle down and get back to work. Read on to find out what’s in store for your sign in March:
February 19th - March 20th
Though the first week of this month may be a hard time to concentrate, a surprise at work will get you laser focused on your immediate goals. The rest of March will have a get-your-sh*t-together tone for you, and you are going to be hardcore committed to conquering your to-do list at work. Though you are generally at your best when you can work according to your natural energy highs and lows, with your eye on the ball, you’ll have no problem powering through. Keep it up, and you’ll reach new levels of success in no time.
March 21st - April 19th
You may be feeling challenged by the particularly slow pace of a certain work project, and it’s hard to hide your dissatisfaction with how things are going. If you had your way, you’d want to see things take off at the speed of light. Lucky for you, early in the month there may be some sudden movement as the project gets an updated strategy from your higher-ups. From there, it’s up to you to continue at a steady, focused pace and to not charge forward faster than everybody else. Patience is a virtue, Ram!
April 20th - May 20th
You’re in the midst of a huge shift in your career right now, and this month will prove that the only constant in life is change. Whether you’re looking at a promotion, a shift of responsibilities, or a new job altogether, it’s onwards and upwards for you. You may be taking on more than ever before, and while you’re steady, sturdy, and focused, you may have to make an extra effort this month to take good care of yourself in the midst of so much shifting.
May 21st - June 20th
If you’re in an established partnership, there may be a lot coming up around your shared career goals and income right now. If you’re single, there may be a lot within a professional partnership that’s up for discussion right now. Either way, you’re likely to be focused on making some necessary changes, and that may require negotiation. Lucky for you, you’re amazing at talking things into the right direction, and you should come out on top. The other good news is that things will feel much easier towards the end of the month.
June 21st - July 22nd
You’re in the middle of a marathon at work right now, and you may be feeling stretched well beyond your energy limits. Luckily, there’s likely to be an understanding coworker who you can truly open up to, and they may be a soothing presence amidst the madness. Keep your eye on the prize—chances are, there will be some encouraging indicators of success that start to show up for you this month. You’re definitely on the right track, you just need to pace yourself and make sure you’re breathing.
July 23rd - August 22nd
Though standing out at work is always a main motivator for you, you may also find yourself focused on improving your finances right now. Whether it’s finally asking for that raise or taking on a side hustle, March will be a great month to be proactive in pursuing your goals. And it’s a good thing that you’ll be bringing in a little extra money because there may be an unexpected expense that comes up this month. Fortunately, there will be multiple paths forward for you.
August 23rd - September 22nd
There’s some serious stuff going on in your career right now. You’ve more than demonstrated your capability, and you’re in for some overdue recognition. And though that may come with some awesome perks (perhaps a raise?), it may also have you a bit bogged down. After all, you know better than anyone that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. But the universe may also be asking you to loosen up a little bit, to let go of some control, and to learn to share responsibility. It’s a necessity if you want to move forward.
September 23rd - October 22nd
Your career is definitely taking all you’ve got to give right now, and you are working super hard to stay in the game. On top of that, there may be something unexpected at the beginning of March that will cause major shifts in a project you’ve been working on. This may be a make-or-break month for you, where you decide whether you want to continue working towards your current goals, or jump ship for another job. Chances are, you’ll have your answer by the end of the month.
October 23rd - November 21st
Recent career shifts have been keeping you on your toes and using every ounce of Scorpio resourcefulness you’ve got. Luckily, you’re always fiercely focused on what you need to do to have the edge. But don’t get so fired up about winning that you lose sight of the most important thing: your relationships. Maintaining sincere, honest connection with your friends, your partner(s), your family, and even your coworkers is important during this time and not something to ride roughshod over.
November 22nd - December 21st
Your Sagittarian luck is best activated through good old-fashioned hard work right now. You’ve got some big stuff in the works, after all. It’s not a time to rest on your laurels but rather a time to keep at it. Plodding along may feel exhausting, if not boring, but you truly are creating momentum whether you can perceive it yet or not. By the end of the month, you should feel a burst of fresh, fiery energy, which will help invigorate you for the next phase of the process.
December 22nd - January 19th
You’ve been building towards something in your career for a long time that is now just a lit match away from blowing up (in a good way). And guess what? The beginning of this month may serve up exactly that catalyst. Though you may suddenly find yourself having leveled up in your work life, which is awesome, it may also present its own problems. One thing you will definitely have to do is learn how to delegate in order to stay balanced and healthy in your own life (especially around the end of the month).
January 20th - February 18th
Work and career aren’t just peripheral concerns for you right now, they’re a central part of your inner world. You’re ready to make the world a better place, and in order to do that, you’re going to need to do things in a way that nobody has ever seen before. You’ve been dreaming up some super visionary ideas, and this month is the perfect time to help them take shape IRL. The beginning of the month will hold a catalyst for creating momentum towards that goal—just make sure you’re looking out for it or it may pass you by.
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