June 2021 horoscopes
We’ve got that summertime, summertime sadness

We’re in the midst of major transition as we move between seasons and as we enter a new phase of living through a pandemic. And periods of transition are hard. You may find yourself more emotional than you usually are or even just downright moody. Trust that it’ll all work out for the best and read on to find out how to navigate what’s coming:
May 21st - June 20th
It may feel like you’re swimming through a lot of other people’s emotions right now, which is far from your favorite thing to do. It also doesn’t help that you’re experiencing some extra setbacks when it comes to your plans. The good news is that you are the ultimate strategist, and you can probably navigate most of the tricky situations that are presenting themselves right now. Involving those who are good at keeping a cool head and solving puzzles will really help you plan your next move.
June 21st - July 22nd
You are feeling an especially strong emotional connection to your love interest or partner right now, and it’s got you on cloud nine. Of course as a Cancer, your moods change as often as tides, and miscommunication is important to watch for even in the best of times. Sometimes, your lover says things that feel like a personal slight but actually aren’t intended as such. It’s good to be clear, open, and honest when this happens instead of assuming the worst. Finding ways to communicate better will help you keep things balanced.
July 23rd - August 22nd
If there’s been any trouble looming on the horizon, this month is likely to bring it out. Though that may sound deeply unpleasant, you will have extra physical vitality this month that will help you problem-solve like the warrior you are. Really listening to your partner (or another significant trusted person) will be another key to navigating upcoming challenges in a way that checks your blind spots. There will be some extra luck in your corner towards the end of the month, and you can expect a general reprieve from all the stress around that time.
August 23rd - September 22nd
Though you’re generally pretty even-keeled when it comes to managing things at work, other people may be doing a little less than their fair share, and this month, it’s really going to bug you. Though the vibes in your workplace are ripe for miscommunication right now, you should be able to navigate a sticky situation by involving the right people and being honest and clear. Remember: you can’t make everybody happy, but that can actually liberate you if you let it.
September 23rd - October 22nd
This will be an emotional month for you, and all of those feelings will have a strong influence on your love life. You and your partner may be going through something deep together, or perhaps your exploration of potential love interests will suddenly feel more serious than it has in the past. Though tuning into your emotions can increase intimacy, it can also be overwhelming. If it’s all too much for you, know that towards the end of the month, things will take on a lighter tone and you’ll get to enjoy some playful dates focused on fun.
October 23rd - November 21st
In just about every area of life, you’ve got a lot going on this month. Though this level of intensity might be causing you to wonder if you can handle it all, remember that trusting those who are in your corner can help you get the assistance you need. Choose a few people in your closest circle to share your load with, and then let yourself receive the help they want to give you. You can also find it easier to get through these challenges if you continue to look for physical outlets to relieve stress, especially at the end of the month.
November 22nd - December 21st
Expect this month to be absolutely full of miscommunications between you and your love interest. Though you can typically brush things off without much of an issue, there may be extra stickiness to these particular situations, which is a good reason to take extra time to work through them. If you can navigate all the emotions, you’ll be able to find your way towards mutual understanding, and it will become clear how to move forward from there.
December 22nd - January 19th
Your partner will be feeling extra feelsy this month, which will have you both diving deep into what matters most to you. Though that may feel heavy (and will definitely disrupt the practical, rather non-emotional routines that you prefer to adhere to), you will both be all the better for working through the feelings that arise. Remember that you have both a practical side and a caring side, and you’re able to show up with both. The end of the month shifts things more towards fun, which will be a welcome relief.
January 20th - February 18th
If there’s a lurking relationship issue that just won’t seem to go away completely, this month is likely to bring it to the surface. Though working things out may test your commitment to your lover, you are nothing if not totally there for the people who’ve won their way into your heart. Using this month to face the hard work rather than avoid it will help you find a way to keep your heart connected to what matters most.
February 19th - March 20th
This month is great for open-heartedness, but not so much for logic. After playing fast and loose with practical details for a while, some problems could rear their heads at this time, especially in your trusted relationships. Rather than beating yourself up about it, try to use the things that go wrong as a learning opportunity and let yourself re-route in a way that’s more sensible. Remember that most people are willing to work with somebody who is honest, kind, and well-intentioned, even if they effed something up.
March 21st - April 19th
Emotions will be running high during the first part of this month. Even flirtation with a new love interest (or romance with your current partner) may feel a little heavy. If you can mix a dash of sensitivity in with the way you like to move through the world, things will cool down during the second half of the month. Your interactions with others will become much less sensitive and much more lively.
April 20th - May 20th
You probably already know this, but your ability to be happy is tied to your material comforts. That’s why a few unexpected expenditures this month may have you feeling a little less than okay. Fortunately, you’re good with money, or at least know how to keep things in check when times get tight. Also remember that your loved ones (and/or lover) really want to be there for you, and it’s okay lean on them when you need support. And nothing, not even a lean time, lasts forever.
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