National Women’s Health Week
This is how we do it

Are you ready for National Women’s Health Week? Perhaps you can get ready with our little checklist.
Schedule your annual appointment. May 13th is National Women’s Checkup Day. Call your primary provider or gynecologist’s office or local health center and get in there. Here’s what you can expect when you go.
Get tested for STIs. Make it easy by making it part of your annual appointment. Think you don’t need to do this? Um, yeah you do. We all do.
Consider whether or not your birth control method is still the right one for you. Lifestyles, partners, and needs change. You might like your method better if it changed with you. We can help you compare every method out there and find the best one for you right now. Your doctor can help too.
Make sure your health insurance is covering your birth control. Does that sound like a sucky task? This article will make it easier.
Visit the National Women’s Health Week website. There are challenges, local events, tips, recommendations, and resources to keep you happy and healthy.
National Women’s Health Week goes from May 12th through the 18th. We hope you honor it by taking action and staying on top of your health. After all, we want you to live long and get it on.
P.S. Have you met Wink Wink? We think you’re gonna like her.
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