Displaying 253-264 of 298 articles tagged “health”
Activism & politics
National Women’s Health Week
This is how we do it
Better sex
4 tips for a greener sex life
Because it’s Earth Day—and eco-friendly sex is hot sex.
Get informed, get healthy, get talking!
When it comes to women’s health, birth control is a big deal.
Birth control shot (Depo-Provera)
Are Depo shot users more likely to break a bone?
There is a connection between using the shot and broken bones—but it's not what you think.
Birth control
Research finds sex is still good with condoms
Not-so-shocking news: People like sex, whether or not it involves using a condom.
Boundaries & consent
Abuse by birth control sabotage
It’s called reproductive coercion, and it may be more common than you think.
Birth control
Stress, depression, and birth control…
Stressed or depressed? Low-maintenance birth control could mean one less thing to worry about.
How to make sex safer in 4 simple steps
Just started a new method of birth control? Congrats! You should still use condoms.
Something for the (IUD insertion) pain...
New research finds that misoprostol doesn't make getting an IUD hurt any less.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
A very happy National HIV Awareness Month...
Advances in HIV prevention and testing? Well happy July to us all.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
Mycoplasma geni...huh? A new STI comes to town.
Because there totally weren't enough STIs to worry about already. Oh, wait...
Birth control
Birth control and heart attacks and strokes—oh my!
Nothing in life is risk free. But it's nice when the risks are low.
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Not sure what birth control is right for you?

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