Valerie French, MD
Valerie French, MD, MAS, completed a fellowship in family planning before joining the Ob/Gyn faculty at the University of Kansas. She loves working at a teaching hospital and sharing her passion for family planning with learners. Dr. French is interested in improving access to reproductive health services in under-served areas, as she herself had difficulty obtaining birth control in college.
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artículos de “Valerie French, MD”

El período menstrual y la salud vaginal
Una guía rápida para saltarse el período (o la regla) con los anticonceptivos
If you use the pill or the ring, you don't need magic powers to control your menstrual cycle.

Las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS)
¿Se puede contraer una ITS a través del sexo oral?
Tenemos buenas y malas noticias: no puedes quedar embarazada teniendo sexo oral, pero sí puedes contraer una infección de transmisión sexual.