September 2021 horoscopes: Love is all you need

Be prepared for your relationships to take center stage this month

It probably goes without saying that there is a LOT going on right now. But relationships will take center stage despite everything else competing for your attention, and that’s okay. Leaning into the people in your life will never be a choice you regret, and it will be especially wise this month as you begin to prepare for the seasons to change again. Read on to find out more about what you can expect to navigate.


August 23rd - September 22nd
You are out to kick ass and take names this month, and you’ll start your month super focused. But relationships become more important for you as misunderstandings emerge between you and some of the people you care most about. Though most of these situations just require some extra connection and TLC, some of them may reveal surprises about people you thought you could trust. In the words of Maya Angelou, “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.”


September 23rd - October 22nd
This month, your focus will be on others. And while putting other people first is something you’re very good at, there will be some potential pitfalls this month. Expect to find yourself caught between two very different sides of an argument, which may create drama between you and your love interest. Being as honest as possible will definitely help you, because if you’re not, the truth will come out in a much more unpleasant way in the final week of the month.


October 23rd - November 21st
You’ve got extra loving energy on your side this month, which will help you bring an impressive diplomacy to an unforeseen relationship issue. That is, if you can remain centered through some of the confusion that arises for you towards the end of the month. You may find yourself in pursuit of “the truth,” but clarity will be hard to come by. This will be a good time to remember that sometimes the truth itself lives somewhere in the middle of two people’s stories.


November 22nd - December 21st
Lots of social activity this month has you buzzing, and your schedule is super full. As a result, it’s going to be easy to get distracted and let some things fall by the wayside, especially at work. You’re going to have to pick up the slack before anyone notices, so make sure you don’t over-promise your time or resources to important people in your life. By the end of the month, you should be able to find a balance between work and the pleasure you’re craving right now.


December 22nd - January 19th
Some things in life are predictable and practical, just the way you like them, but people tend not to be one of those things. Focusing on the messy business of problem solving in your relationships will take strong precedence over most things this month, forcing you to put your other pursuits to the side for the time being. Don’t get frustrated, though. It’s important to really focus on this right now, and finding clarity early in the month will make things much easier towards the end of the month.


January 20th - February 18th
Though you’ve spent a lot of time lately working on your big vision for the future, the important relationships in your life will demand your attention this month. Some people, maybe even a love interest, are wondering if you can really show up for them. Though proving that you’re connected and committed may feel sticky to you, you may find that people just need to know that you’re really there. Keep that in mind as things get a little hectic towards the end of the month and you are called on to show up better by your loved ones.


February 19th - March 20th
You are in problem-solving mode early in the month, as everything in your life, including your relationships, seems fraught with difficulties that require a lot of focus. Fortunately, you will get a burst of creative energy mid-month that will take the edge off the hard work you’re having to put in. Taking that positive energy with you into the end of the month will help you work through any other challenges that come up and require flexibility from you. Your growth looks good on you this month, Pisces.


March 21st - April 19th
Whether it’s work, your love life, or your important relationships, you are being asked to compromise a lot right now. That means you’re not going to be able to get away with being as impulsive as usual. If you want to get your way, you’re going to have to get better at persuading others to your side. Mastering this art early in the month will really help you out, because a bumpy road with others in your life gets even bumpier by the end of the month. On the plus side, there is a lot of sexiness and pleasure available to you if you are able to get things right with your love interest.


April 20th - May 20th
The month may start out with you feeling grounded and focused on day-to-day matters, but big changes will be brewing in your love life as the month goes on. There could be some matters in your love life that will be a little surprising when they come to light, and you aren’t one who typically loves surprises. Though dealing with what comes up may be less than pleasant, just remember that knowing the truth is better than living in a lie and can help you build a better foundation with your love interest.


May 21st - June 20th
This month, expect to feel social, spontaneous, and active. But being surrounded by lots of other people will have its pros and cons. On the plus side, your dating pool will be broad this month if you are single and seeking a new relationship. But your energy may also be drawn in a lot of different directions towards the end of the month, leaving you feeling frustrated and lacking in deep connection. Remember to put quality over quantity as the month progresses, and you’ll find a good balance by the end of the month.


June 21st - July 22nd
Two things you’re really sensitive about are your home and your closest relationships. Both may be presenting issues this month as misunderstandings emerge around how a person close to you is treating your sanctuary. If it’s a troublesome roommate, it may be time to decide whether the arrangement is working or not. If it’s a lover you’ve been playing house with, you may find that you have to communicate your needs more clearly in order to have them met.


July 23rd - August 22nd
There will be a lot of social activity this month keeping you busy and distracted, and it may be hard to focus on any one thing. That could come back to bite you later in the month when you will be asked to invest in a specific relationship that desperately needs your attention. The good news is that there’s luck on your side with this person right now, so all you need to do is show up with a sincere heart and the desire to go deep into that relationship, and everything will work out just fine.

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