September horoscopes: Autumn looks awesome

Sweater weather is coming, along with shorter days and cozy nights. But before we say hello to fall and goodbye to summer, September has a few astrological adventures for us. Find your sign and read on…
Blazing confidence looks good on you! Enjoy a break from criticizing yourself. You deserve it. You also deserve to explore that emotional lover who’s captivating you. We know you like people who are good with details, but if this person is good for your heart and bad with minutiae, try to accept and enjoy them as they are. The sex will be expansive, orgasmic, and intense if you do.
Hmmm. Feeling suspicious? Harboring some trust issues? Happens to the best of us. Talking will help you sooth any relationship troubles. And we mean real talking, from a place of honesty, loyalty, and love. (Actually, that might improve things so much that you take it to the bedroom, so remember the birth control.) This is also a good time for you to figure out how to balance work or school and your home-life, so get comfy at home.
Sometimes it’s you. Now is not one of those times. If someone is bugging you early in September, it’s them. This might cause some frustration, but you can alleviate any tension with a full-throttle “O.” (Hey, we’re not saying that orgasms solve problems. It’s just that sex can be a healthy outlet sometimes, especially when you have a lot of frenetic energy to disperse.) P.S. This is a good month for you financially. Spend a little less and you’ll come out ahead.
Woah. Did stuff in your bedroom melt? Because your sex life is on fire. And your partner seems to be creative, exotic, and someone who has gone from a friend to a conquest. Have fun! But don’t let anyone get clingy. Best to keep things light this month. And work or school is begging you to pay attention. If you dive in and get really into it, you may get a promotion or special recognition after the 17th.
Take a good look around. You’ve climbed a metaphorical mountain and it’s time to enjoy the view. Life is rewarding now and you’re feeling powerful. You also might be feeling emotional, especially if you’re in a relationship. Try to communicate and get closer because of this. Working through this will bring you together and help you get past some stuff that holds you back.
You’re so independent that sex is usually completely at your leisure. But in early September, you may experience an almost urgent need for intimacy. It also seems like you have a lot of emotions to express right now. Let yourself work it all out (that includes physically). Mental angst really can melt away if you let it move through you. One more thing to remember: You don’t have to get sucked into drama this month. Choose your battles.
Your generosity is a beautiful thing, Pi, but is someone taking advantage of it? Look closely. Nobody gets to use or abuse you. Ever. And is work making you anxious? If yes, try not to overindulge as you comfort yourself. After the 24th, you’re physically primed to feel good (as in screaming “O” good). Take time to do things that’ll boost your self-esteem and give you a gorgeous glow.
Romance. Passion. Seduction. When it comes to love, it’s time to make your move. And that’s good news because it seems like someone wants to connect more intimately with you. Tenderness (and less dominance) is a good thing right now. Now, about work… be careful at the end of the month when you might be prone to defensiveness or uncompromising determination. Try to stay open and flexible even if that’s not easy for you.
You’re strong and soothing, and those qualities can make you a deep, powerful, and sultry lover. Especially now. Expect sensual intensity this month. You’re feeling generous and others are giving back to you too. This is a good time to share some of your passions and valuable possessions…maybe even your heart. And get ready for an empowering new realization about your physical capabilities after the 24th.
Sex isn’t just physical for you…it’s a mental sport. And this month it looks like you’ll use your sharp wit to have even more fun between the sheets. After the 5th, expect fresh new thoughts and new ways of expressing them. And if you see a stage and crave the spotlight, don’t be afraid to go for it. You’re playful and quick, and the right people will enjoy seeing you shine.
If you’ve had some dark moods lately, they’re about to lift. Pleasure is definitely in order, especially when it comes to romance (and sex). If you’re experiencing a lot of change after the 5th—and not feeling grounded or settled in—remember that you’re intellectually vibrant and can handle any challenge. Reviewing your personal budget or pouring yourself into work might be the steady, reassuring things that sooth you in September.
The kind of fire you’re generating is going to heat up your bedroom and delight every nerve in your body. It’s like an all-consuming electrical storm of passion. But there’s love and compassion in there too. You’re able to give a lot right now, so share what you can and feel great about that. And if things get a little tense at work or school, strive for balance between complying and bucking the system.
Things are looking quite sexy for a lot of signs. Better stock up on birth control.
P.S. A little inspirational. A little naughty. A little informative. A little funny. That’s what you get when you follow Bedsider on Instagram.
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