Body love: It’s a movement and you can be part of it

Every single inch of your body is worthy of respect, adoration, exploration, and love. Every scar makes you unique. Every scent or sound makes you real. If you agree and want to help others feel good about their body image, perhaps it’s time to join a body positivity movement or start one of your own…
Love your thighs
So many of us have lines, marks, and scars on our thighs. So many of us hate them. But not princess_labia. She started #ThighReading and the hashtag has shown the world that our thighs have a lot in common and it’s all quite beautiful.
Love your size
It’s a sad truth, but body shame now comes in every size. It doesn’t have to be that way though. Here’s a video about Mirna Valerio called “Fat Girl Running.” She describes herself as “carrying extra weight,” but she doesn’t let that stop her from doing anything, including loving herself. Prepare to be inspired.
Love your individuality
Body positivity is best when it’s all-inclusive. That goes for people who are transgender, non-binary, genderqueer, or intersex too. We all need to love our bodies.
Love your life
Loving your body is definitely empowering. So is living your life on your own terms. To see what that might look like, check out these illustrations by Carol Rossetti. She takes stuff that women are usually judged for and shows it off in the most positive way. Life would be so sweet if we experienced more freedom to simply be.
BTW, we also hope you love your birth control, but if you don’t, we can help you find a method better suited to your tastes and preferences.
P.S. You + Bedsider + #ThxBirthControl = A big effing deal. It’s happening on Tuesday, November 10th. Start here and help us spread the word.
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