October 2020 horoscopes: More trick than treat, as per usual

These are dark times we’re living in, and many of us have experienced our mental health taking a hit. It makes sense then that our most intimate relationships would also be feeling some strain. Read on to find out what October holds for your partnership(s), but keep in mind that we hold the power to show up differently anytime we choose.
September 23rd - October 22nd
Brusqueness and harsh bottom lines are definitely not your love language, and unfortunately this month may have you dealing with both in your relationship. This lack of diplomacy on the part of your partner may have your eye wandering to other potential love interests. But you are also getting a message from the universe to slow down, stay where you are, and work through the kinks with your current love. Times aren’t the easiest, but don’t worry. If anybody can find the beauty in a difficult situation, it’s you.
October 23rd - November 21st
October will test your relationship’s direction and purpose, which are high priorities for you. After all, if a relationship isn’t going anywhere (a.k.a. if you’re not clearly moving towards a forever scenario), then you typically don’t find much value in it. Your love may be showing signs that their authenticity is aligned a bit differently than yours. Take that in—don’t ignore it. It’s a good time to hit pause on whatever momentum you had planned, and instead put that energy towards going inward and doing some soul searching around what you really want in a relationship. You will thank yourself for it on the other side of this month.
November 22nd - December 21st
You’re craving more play and fun in your relationship (and your life) than is readily available right now. Take the hint and take a minute to do your relationship homework in the areas of life that your fiery self just isn’t super excited about. If you avoid the hard work, things could be especially tempestuous between you and your partner this month. But if you sink into it, you could both make important discoveries about what you need from each other. And the resulting harmony and understanding may just pave the way for more lighthearted fun.
December 22nd - January 19th
This month, your task will be coming to terms with the fact that you’re just not the same person you were when you began your relationship. You may suddenly become very aware of brand new relationship needs this month. This is the beginning of a new chapter in your love life, but don’t make any sudden moves this month. Allow yourself to take your time in deciding how to move forward with your partner. And remember—communicating a need for space doesn’t have to be worrisome, if you set a loving and warm tone for it.
January 20th - February 18th
Though you’re typically too cool (read: aloof) to waste your time on angry emotional snaps, this month will bring up trying emotions in your relationship that could bring out the worst in you if you’re not careful. You may find yourself feeling that your power isn’t being acknowledged in your partnership. Remember that going straight to anger won’t help anything. Instead, look for the time and space to open up with your partner as vulnerably as possible to help bridge the gap.
February 19th - March 20th
This month’s relationship challenges can be overcome with lots of patience. But your biggest obstacle to best may be your own emotions. It will be all too easy for you to spin elaborate, overly sensational tales about what’s happening between you and your partner, which ultimately doesn’t help anyone. The important thing is to recognize that sometimes progress doesn’t immediately look like progress. Have patience this month as you take what may feel like a few steps backward for every step forward.
March 21st - April 19th
Transformation can be exhausting, and it may seem like you are going through never-ending waves of it. Though it’s ultimately all good, as it’s helping you live with authenticity, your relationship may be going through a little turbulence as a result. The key to managing things smoothly during this month is lots and lots of patience. Give yourself and your lover the space for diplomacy, tact, and kindness no matter what arises. If you can manage that, you will be doing great.
April 20th - May 20th
Butting up against a problem area in your relationship? Warning: temper tantrums will NOT help. This may be a volatile month for you if you can’t find it within you to tone things down a bit and find some peace, no matter how frustrated you become with your partner. The good news is that if you can find healthy ways of sharing your feelings with your partner, the two of you can find your way to a mutual understanding that will help the relationship grow, rather than consuming it in a blazing inferno of anger.
May 21st - June 20th
You really don’t mean to make things as complicated as they sometimes get, especially in your relationship. But your partner may be confused AF by all your ups and downs this month. Though you’d probably prefer to keep things lighthearted rather than risk pushing things to a breaking point by saying the wrong thing, it’s better to have that uncomfortable sit-down you’re avoiding. If you’re honest about your needs (whatever they are!), you and your partner can work towards more ease.
June 21st - July 22nd
The dynamics in your relationship this month may be bring you to some crystal clear realizations about your needs. Those realizations may not mean the end of the relationship, but they may push you in the direction of a serious relationship overhaul. Though this may understandably create some turmoil, trust your process, nourish yourself with loving self-care, and ask for what you need. No matter what happens, this month will help you find the clarity you’ve long been desiring in your relationship.
July 23rd - August 22nd
Feeling a bit low energy lately? It’s definitely not typical for you, but everything that’s going on in the world has you more in your head than normal and you may be feeling a bit hopeless. As a result of these heavy feelings, your interest in sex may be at an all-time low. Remember that fluctuations are normal. If deeper-than-usual emotions are coming to the surface, that’s what needs your attention right now. Trusting in the safe space you and your partner have built and communicating every step of the way will be crucial.
August 23rd - September 22nd
You’re going to be feeling extra hot this month, and you may enjoy some bonus sexy time in your relationship as a result. This erotic energy may help smooth over some things that are concerning you. Stuff around success, money, and work may be haunting your progress as a couple. Don’t let the hotness between you distract you completely from working towards solutions, which might be as simple as splitting bills a little bit differently. You can find resolution if you don’t avoid the work.
P.S. Been riding the struggle bus for longer than you care to admit? Check out our self-care tips for when you feel like the world is ending.
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