Displaying 217-228 of 339 articles tagged “article”
How to get your partner to wear condoms
Boo doesn’t want to wear condoms? These real-life stories will help you find your voice.
Real Stories: The low-maintenance, hormone-free birth control you probably haven’t heard of
Zero hormones. Over 99% effective. Totally reversible and can last up to 12 years. It’s the Paragard IUD.
Boundaries & consent
What is stealthing, and why is it wrong?
Whether you call it stealthing, birth control sabotage, or reproductive coercion, taking a condom off during sex without permission is assault.
"Not right now"
How to be fabulously and unapologetically abstinent
Who says you have to be getting it on to live it up?
Birth control
Real Stories: I love my kid(s)—but please, no more
Done having babies for now, or forever? Birth control can help with that.
Self-love & body positivity
How to stop sex-shaming yourself
You deserve a shame-free sex life. Here's how to get it.
Birth control
Real Stories: Birth control from the boyfriend perspective
Watch 5 guys talk about their girlfriend’s birth control method.
Not awkward: 5 tips for talking to anyone about sex and birth control
From your guy to your gyno to your girls, here’s how to get the conversation started.
The best way to fight anxiety about your relationship status
Don't let relationship anxiety take over your life. Here are 3 easy steps you can take to refocus that negative energy.
Birth control
Real Stories: 5 women on how birth control is helping them win their future
Birth control can help you focus on your goals without having to worry about an unplanned pregnancy.
Pregnancy & fertility
What you should know about the Zika virus
There's lots we don't know about the Zika virus yet. If you're globetrotting in the meantime, stock up on bug spray, birth control, and condoms.
Boundaries & consent
Let's talk about revenge porn
Sharing sexy photos or videos without permission is abuse. Here’s how you can fight back.
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