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articles tagged “benefits”

Ten of the best things about not having kids
And we could keep going...
FAQs - Periods & vaginal health
How can birth control help an ovarian cyst?
What are some of the health benefits of IUDs?
FAQs - Implant (Nexplanon)
What are some of the health benefits of the implant?
FAQs - Birth control patch
What are some of the health benefits of the patch?
FAQs - Birth control ring
What are some of the health benefits of the ring?
FAQs - Internal condom
I’ve heard the internal condom can be stimulating—is that true?
FAQs - Birth control
Can birth control help with dysmenorrhea?
FAQs - Birth control
Are there benefits to birth control other than just controlling fertility?
FAQs - Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
What's the difference between STIs and STDs?
Why am I hearing the term STIs?

Y'all love your birth control, and we can't blame you
Happy Thanks, Birth Control week!

Self-love & body positivity
8 ways to actually improve your health in 2020
New decade, who dis?

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
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