Displaying 13-24 of 35
articles tagged “technology”

Dating & hookups
Internet flirting 101: How to slide into the DMs

5 myths about the IUD, busted
U.S. women are catching on to the awesomeness of IUDs—but sometimes old myths die hard.

Boundaries & consent
Let's talk about revenge porn
Sharing sexy photos or videos without permission is abuse. Here’s how you can fight back.

Better sex
For your eyes only: 7 tips for safer skyping and sexting
Looking to get your digital groove on? Here are some tips to protect your privacy.

Better sex
Do not disturb: 7 apps for better sex
Want to take your sex life to the next level? There’s an app for that.

Better sex
OMGYes! Female pleasure gets scientific
Good news for people with clitorises: research on pleasure and the female anatomy is finally a thing.

Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs)
Which fertility and period tracking apps can you trust?
New research looks at which of the oh-so-many period tracking and fertility awareness apps out there actually work.

Safer travels: 5 personal safety apps worth knowing about
We want you to be safe, always. Here are 5 apps that may be able to help with that.

Birth control
Birth control on the horizon: 2016 edition
In which we squint into the distance and report on everything we see over yonder.

Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs)
Low-effort fertility tracking coming soon: Priya Ring
Want to know when you're ovulating? A thermometer for your vadge may be just what you've been waiting for.

Pregnancy & fertility
4 apps for tracking your fertility
Technology has some new options for women who want to keep track of their cycle. Let’s take a look…

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
Getting tested for herpes can be a pain... in the finger
A new, cheap blood test lets you find out if you have herpes with the prick of a finger.

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
view birth control options
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