Birth Control
Withdrawal (pull-out method)

Hear real people share their very real experiences with different methods of birth control.
Withdrawal (pull out) method
Taisha, 21, withdrawal and not right now
"I wasn’t using a condom and [he’d] pull out."
Jun 03, 2016
Taisha hasn’t dated men in a while, but when she did, she usually relied on the withdrawal method, or “pulling out,” to avoid pregnancy. Now that Taisha’s more interested in women, she doesn’t have to worry as much about pregnancy, but she still makes sure she’s covered against STIs by getting tested regularly.
Taisha recommends getting tested with your partner before any sexual contact, like she and her girlfriend did.
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Withdrawal (pull out) method
Adrian, 24, withdrawal
"If you’re going to do it… know the repercussions."

Withdrawal (pull out) method
Kesha, 32, withdrawal
"It's kinda like clockwork—he just knows to do it."