"not right now"
Displaying 1-12 of 26
articles tagged “"not right now"”
FAQs - "Not right now"
What if I meet someone and I'm considering changing my mind about not having sex right now?
I'm seeing someone new and I'm really tempted to have sex with him.
FAQs - "Not right now"
How do I tell the new guy I'm dating that I'm not having sex right now?
I'm nervous about telling the guy I'm dating that I'm not having sex right now.
FAQs - "Not right now"
My boyfriend and I want to be intimate but we don't want to have intercourse at this point. Any suggestions?
"Not right now"
11 things that are better than sex
You can do some of these things today

"Not right now"
Breaking free from an abstinence-only past
How teaching myself about birth control changed my life

Birth control
Fact check: 10 things that aren’t birth control and 17 things that are
Including 10 legitimate non-hormonal BC methods

Birth control
Side effects: The good, the bad, and the temporary
If you're worried about the side effects of birth control—or if you've had a bad experience—here are a few things you should know.

Self-love & body positivity
How to thrive during your dry spell
Not having sex right now? No problem.

Activism & politics
Making the pledge: What research says about abstinence-only education
Virginity pledges are common, but do they work?

"Not right now"
How to be fabulously and unapologetically abstinent
Who says you have to be getting it on to live it up?

Birth control
Real Stories: 5 women on how birth control is helping them win their future
Birth control can help you focus on your goals without having to worry about an unplanned pregnancy.

Birth control
Real Stories: LGBTQ folks talk birth control
People with a range of identities and orientations can benefit from birth control.

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
view birth control options
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