Sexual health & wellness
Sex ed for grown-ups.
Displaying 49-60 of 234 articles related to “Sexual health & wellness”
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
Pretty much everyone you know has had HPV
And you've probably had it too
Periods & vaginal health
What is your vagina supposed to smell like?
Hint: not flowers!
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
Demystifying trich, the super common STI you’ve never heard of
Everything you need to know about this curable STI
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
Just diagnosed with an STI? Here’s how to stop freaking out
It’s time to say goodbye to STI stigma
Periods & vaginal health
What to do when sex hurts
Dyspareunia, or pain during sex, is more common than you might think
Health care
Racism in family planning care
Here’s what we can all do to break the cycle
Health care
The art of being a difficult (aka empowered) patient
How to practice medical self-advocacy to get the care you need
Health care
I experienced racial bias in my postpartum care
It matters how providers talk to women of color about birth control
Health care
My doctor almost sterilized me without telling me
How bias can compromise our health care
Health care
Can you get quality health care as a Black, disabled person?
Spoiler alert: yes, you can, but it’s really, really hard
Health care
Well-woman visits: 6 things you should know
Because we want you well for National Women’s Health Week and beyond.
Health care
Behind the white lab coat: A who’s who guide to medical professionals
If you’ve ever been unclear about who exactly is responsible for what when it comes to health care, this guide is for you.
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