Frisky friday
Displaying 613-624 of 695
articles tagged “frisky friday”

It ain’t over yet: Things we love about the end of the year

Feeling gifty: What to give when you’re getting it on

Doing a boss, an ex, that girl in spin class: Sex dreams and what they really mean

Sex, zombies, and Bedsider: Sounds like a good time to us

Dating & hookups
Pickup lines: The good, the bad, and the ones so ridiculous they might work

Self-love & body positivity
Three words of advice that can change everything: Believe in yourself

Waiting and wanting: Sex, birth control, and long distance relationships

Periods & vaginal health
Help is on the way: How to manage PMS and period pain

Summer ain’t over yet: How to relive camp

Periods & vaginal health
A quickie guide to female reproductive anatomy

We’re so in love with summer we want to marry it

Better sex
Time flies (when you’re having great sex)

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
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