Problem solving
Displaying 25-36 of 193
articles tagged “problem solving”

How to fight fair
6 rules to follow for nicer, more productive arguments

Health care
The art of being a difficult (aka empowered) patient
How to practice medical self-advocacy to get the care you need

What Shrill can teach us about sex and dating
The top ten lessons from Hulu's new show

Birth control
We need to talk...about birth control
A guide to figuring out the best birth control for you and your partner

Better sex
7 sex positions for when you’re exhausted but still DTF
Low investment, high reward

Birth control
Can pharmacists really prescribe birth control?
In some states, yes!

January extended horoscopes: Manifesting in 2019

Top 5 places where you’re definitely going to run into your ex over the holidays 🙃
Hope you weren’t planning to leave the house

Better sex
How to have sex when you’re forking freezing
Turn the ice capades into sexcapades

Better sex
How to have sex while staying at your parents’ house for Thanksgiving
Defiling your childhood bedroom in 5 easy steps

Birth control
Generic vs. brand name birth control: But, I thought it was all covered?
Your insurance has to cover birth control under the Affordable Care Act—so why are some women still paying out of pocket?

Birth control
Don't give up on the Health Insurance Marketplace!
Don't let glitches on stop you from getting coverage.

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
view birth control options
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