Public policy
Displaying 1-12 of 52
articles tagged “public policy”

Activism & politics
5 reasons why birth control should be over the counter
Let's free the pill, finally!

Activism & politics
4 things you can do for Texas right now
The most restrictive abortion law in the country has taken effect, and Texans need our help

Self-love & body positivity
These birth control coloring pages will calm your nerves
This has been a lot, y'all

Health care
Why NOT to buy a short-term insurance plan
Your guide to getting health insurance for 2021

Health care
How much does telehealth cost with and without insurance?
Many insurance plans cover telehealth, and lots of telehealth options are affordable without insurance

Birth control
States open special health insurance enrollment period in response to coronavirus
Now's your chance to get enrolled

Birth control
No controversy: 5 fantastic arguments for better birth control access
Good for women, good for taxpayers, good for businesses... winning!

Birth control
The power of free birth control
More proof from St. Louis that free birth control can be a very, very good thing.

Birth control
A big day for affordable birth control
Birth control without co-pays or deductibles has arrived. (You can go ahead and fist pump now.)

Birth control
Affordable birth control and health care reform
We all know there’s room for improvement. Here’s an opportunity to create real change.

Birth control
What's Medicaid expansion?
Medicaid expansion could mean health insurance for millions of people...but what is it, exactly?

Activism & politics
Millions need birth control—take action now!
Tell your Governor and legislators you support expanding Medicaid in your state.

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
view birth control options
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