questions /
implant (nexplanon)
- How soon does the implant start working?
- How soon can I get pregnant after my implant is taken out?
- Does it hurt to get the implant?
- Does it hurt to get the implant removed?
- I'm spotting from the implant. What can I do to stop it?
- I’m a smoker. What birth control options are best for me?
- What are good methods for women with high blood pressure?
- Does birth control cause blood clots?
- What should I do if my birth control changes my mood?
- I'm thinking about getting the implant. But what do I do if I want to get pregnant in less than the 5 years it lasts?
- Can ibuprofen help reduce heavy periods and irregular bleeding?
- I'm using the implant. Are the side effects like feeling moody, bloated, and nervous going to go away?
- What are the best methods to use if I don't want to have my period?
- What birth control methods are safe for people who just gave birth?
- What are the best methods that my partner won't notice?
- Will birth control make me gain weight?
- What if I get the implant and I don’t like it?
- What should I do before stopping my birth control?
- Is it safe to lose blood by spotting a lot?
- How do I get birth control when I’m in the military?
Displaying questions 1 – 20 of 37