questions /
most popular
- What's the difference between STIs and STDs?
- Will I be able to feel the cervical cap inside of me?
- What if I can't afford the shot?
- What are some of the health benefits of the pill?
- I'm having pregnancy symptoms—is it possible I could be pregnant even though I've been sterilized?
- Are there benefits to birth control other than just controlling fertility?
- Will the implant show?
- Will I feel the diaphragm inside of me?
- What are some of the health benefits of the implant?
- Will the shot make me lose my hair?
- How does the Affordable Care Act affect my birth control?
- Does birth control cause depression?
- Do I have to get all three HPV vaccine shots?
- Can I take out my diaphragm as soon as I’m done having sex?
- Can I use fertility awareness methods if my periods are irregular or unpredictable?
- Can I get a diaphragm at the grocery store or pharmacy?
- How do I talk to my doctor about birth control?
- Can my partner feel the ring?
- Won't the shots make my bones thinner?
- What if I want to have sex more than once after inserting my diaphragm?
Displaying questions 321 – 340 of 364