questions /
most popular
- Is abortion safe?
- Could the government use the implant as a tracking device?
- What does “waiting period” mean?
- If I don’t like being on the shot, do I have to wait three months for it to go away?
- How will emergency contraception pills affect my next period?
- My partner and I are sure we don't want to have [more] children, but I'm not thrilled by the prospect of surgery. What are our alternatives?
- What are some of the health benefits of the ring?
- How do I get tested for STIs?
- Which type of abortion should I get?
- How expensive is the implant?
- Is there anything I can do if my periods are heavier and my cramps are worse since I got my IUD?
- Are there certain days in my cycle that I can't get pregnant?
- Is there a way to use spermicide without making a mess?
- What is HPV?
- What are the health risks of pregnancy?
- What if condoms are reducing my partner's sensitivity?
- I’ve heard the internal condom can be stimulating—is that true?
- Where did the Zika virus come from?
- What is the implant insertion process like?
- What if I meet someone and I'm considering changing my mind about not having sex right now?
Displaying questions 321 – 340 of 364